- Podda . M et al; antibiotic treatment and Appendectomy for uncomplicated acute appendicitis in adults and children; A systematic review and meta-analysis; Ann Surg 2019 Jan 31.
This meta-analysis demonstrates that though of lesser efficacy compared to surgery, non operative management (NOM) with antibiotics could be considered a safe option for adults and paediatric patients with uncomplicated appendicitis, as it is successful in almost 75% of cases and does not statiscally increase the perforation rate.
- V et al: iodine supplementation for the prevention of mortality and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants; Cochrane database syst Rev 2019 Feb 26
Parenteral nutrition solution, artificial formulas and Human breast milk, contain insufficient Iodine to meet recommended intake of preterms. Iodine deficiency may exacerbate transient hypothyroxaemia in preterm infants and this may be associated with adverse neonatal and longer term outcomes.
- Moore A et al; clinically diagnosing Pertussis associated cough in Adults and Children : Chest guideline and expert panel report; Chest 2019 Jan. 155(1) 147-154.
The decision to treat a suspected case of pertusis with antibiotics is usually based on a clinical diagnosis rather than waiting for laboratory confirmation. The current guideline focuses on making the clinical diagnosis of pertusis associated cough in adults and children the mainstay of management pathway.
- Disher T. Et al : Pharmacological treatments for neonatal abstinence syndrome: A systematic Review and network met analysis: JAMA , Pediatr 2019 Jan 22.
Abstinence syndrome is rising rapidly and optional pharmacological intervention may reduce length of treatment and make baby more comfortable.
Good evidence from the review suggests that Buprenorphine is the optional treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome. Morphine which is widely used in this context scored lowest opoid for length of treatment and stay.
- Olen O et al: Increased mortality of patients with childhood onset inflammatory bowel diseases compared with general population: 2019 Feb; 156(3) : 614-622.
Study suggests that Children with IBD have a 3 fold increased risk of dying when followed to adulthood. The relative risk of death has not reduced with the use of new drugs for the treatment of IBD.
Compiled for CPD by Dr Benjamin Odeka MBBS DCH MA FRCP (London) FRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician & Gastroenterologist